About us
Reaching our Ambition!
We are now four years into the West Yorkshire journey to become trauma informed and responsive by 2030.
The last 12 months have really seen the programme progress and take shape. We have seen achievements in a number of areas including workforce development, supporting an increasing number of organisations to be trauma informed, produced resources and launched a number of work-streams. We have continued to build relationships with programmes at place, supported colleagues nationally, developed new international opportunities to share learning and seen many more colleagues join the programme and begin their journey.
Rocket science are working with us again as our evaluation partners and we are now working towards the development of metrics and measure to really understand the impact of the programme and how we continue to work towards our ambition.

What to expect during the WYKE
West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership is pleased to host their 4th Annual Adversity, Trauma and Resilience Knowledge Exchange in partnership with the West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit from Tuesday 5th to Thursday 7th March 2024 in a two-day online event with the third day being live and in person.
With a focus on prevention, early intervention, and mitigating harm from preconceptions throughout life, the event will showcase the amazing work that is taking place across our system, reporting on progress towards reaching our collective ambition and early findings from our research, evaluation, and development of resources, throughout the three days we are event attendees on a journey from theory to practice.
Children and young people who experience adversity and trauma are at high risk of; poor physical/mental health and emotional wellbeing, substantive increases in adopting anti-social and health-harming behaviours, including serious violence, poor attendance/exclusion at school, and decreased educational attainment.
Adults who face multiple disadvantages as a result of trauma and adversity are four times more likely to become to have addictions, fifteen more times likely to take their own life, and three times more likely to be absent from work. To improve outcomes for the physical, mental health, and well-being of the people that live and work in West Yorkshire we need to work together to prevent trauma and adversity and mitigate existing harm across the life course and while fully eradicating trauma remains unlikely, actions to strengthen community resilience and assets may partially offset their immediate harms. Event attendees will be tasked over the three days to listen, respond, and share evidence, knowledge, and practice. There will be an emphasis on how grassroots expertise can underpin the shifts in culture and practice needed to achieve the West Yorkshire vision of ensuring the area is trauma-informed and responsive to people’s needs.