Relational Poverty to Relational Health

06/03/2024 10:00 am |

Andi's lecture will focus on the power of relationships and how they can shape our behaviour, perspective and world views. Andi will explore the science behind toxic stress and adversity in childhood with attention paid to how this can lead to poor health and social outcomes. The key feature of the lecture is to illustrate the healing power of 'relational health' and how through a social justice lens, we all have a role to play in mitigating relational harm. Andi will explain how his experiences has shaped his practice with children in the Youth Justice System (YJS).

Get to know the sessions speaker(s)

  • Andi Brierley

    Head of Access, Participation and Outcomes, Leeds Trinity University

    Andi is the Head of Access, Participation and Outcomes at Leeds Trinity University and published author of three Crime and…

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